Alka Flatwork Smearing Wax 2kg

Article Number : LCL274





A high temperature modern ironer wax that is designed to create a lubricated coating on the ironer bed, transparent to heat but preventing the build-up of friction-causing deposits that impede the passage of linen through the machine.

Use of smearing wax has been known to extend the working life of the roll padding by as much as 30%, reduce tape breakages, and enables the ironer to use measurably less electric current over a period of time. It also contains an anti-static ingredient and has a high flash and browning point.


Designed to lubricate flex chest ironers; it features a proprietary formulation with microscopic particles and static-resistant additives for uniform distribution on the wax cloth and extra sticky adherence to the flexible stainless steel heating bands. Recommended for temperatures up to 450 degrees. “Calender” promotes better linen quality due to less friction and also helps prolong ironer textile life. It handles the high pressures and increased friction of the flex chest ironers to prolong the dwell time inside the chest without cracking, flacking or quickly dissipating.


Product Characteristics: Off white flake compound with microscopic particles and static-resistant additives.

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